I’m just at that point in my life where I’ve hosted and attended many baby showers for friends or family members –way too many to count.
And I can’t remember either of those showers having noticeably dull moments or awkward silence despite some of the guests having not met each other.
A HUGE part of that success was some of the most entertaining baby shower games that were played on that day.
They helped spice things up and fizzle out those awkward moments.
But if you are bereft of ideas for your baby shower, I will be delighted to show you what has worked for me and dozens of other hosts.
I have handpicked just 10 of the most creative and entertaining baby shower games out of many I’ve seen and played.
The reason is that they were game chargers on those occasions.
10 Entertaining Baby Shower Games to Make Your Celebration Unforgettable

These games help set the tempo, creating a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere that provokes positive conversation among your attendees.
Below, I also included the rules of each game so you can get the most out of them.
1. Don’t Drop The Baby
Sounds silly, but it is adorably fun!
Many people love to play the “don’t drop the baby” game because it is straightforward.
It also engages the whole house as the contenders (guests) race out with a decorated egg that looks like a baby on a spoon.
This triggers laughter as the racer makes peculiar stances throughout the race and easily smashes their egg while running.
Things You Will Need Are:
- One egg for each guest
- Paints, food coloring, markers, etc.
- Wooden spoon for each guest
- Don’t drop the baby (egg) or touch it until you make it to your destination.
- Two or more players can play
- One spoon and one egg per player
- Maker, paint, and food coloring for their arts
- Your contenders are from ages five upwards
- The games come to an end when they all reach their final destination. If the player drops their baby along the way, they lose the game.
- Best played outdoor
- You can go with fresh or hardboiled eggs to avoid creating a mess.
- The wooden spoon with egg on it can be held by hand or between the teeth
- The race can be a relay or standard point-to-point race —it’s up to you!
First and foremost, debrief your guests on the rules and regulations so everyone knows what they are doing.
Before stepping on the starting mark, the contender must have decorated their babies with their spoon handy.
Once everyone is happy with their babies, the game can begin.
On your mark, set, go!
As the whistle goes off, players start making their way to the finish line with the dilemma of balancing the egg on the spoon while walking as fast as they can.
2. Diaper Change Relay Race
Another baby shower game that adds a sense of humor –getting your guests to smile and giggle –is the diaper change relay race.
This one plays out fine with new (or seasoned) dads racing it out.
What You Will Need:
- A pack of newborn diapers (one diaper per team)
- One plastic baby doll per team
- Diaper cream
- Wipes or toilet paper
- Powder
- Blindfolds (optional)
- Long table
- The game’s main objective is to dress a set of plastic baby dolls in diapers. Most showers add chocolate candy to the diaper as a reminiscent of poop –just to spice things up.
- Each team gets a slot on the station (table) with a fresh diaper, wipes, cream, powder, and toilet paper for the contest.
- Assign one person to be the judge at the head of the table with a stopwatch.
- 3 to 4 small-sized teams would be excellent.
- If it is a three-person team, instruct each member to change the baby doll –cleaning, prepping, or dressing.
- Whichever team finished the quickest wins the prize.
- You can make it even more challenging by blindfolding the contenders.
Note: This game also serves as an ice breaker since it gets a group of people who have never met socializing and working as a team.
You make it people with or without children in one team vs family members. And taking photos during the race is also allowed.
3. Baby Bingo
Baby Shower Bingo is a game that lights up the room and gets every guest involved in the gift-opening process.
Items You Will Need:
- Baby Shower Bingo Cards: it can be cute blank printable or pre-filled baby shower cards
- Pens or Pencils: these can be regular or preferably shower bingo markers
- Laminator (optional)
- Prizes for Winners: cute potted succulents, homemade soap, sugar scrub, bath fizzes, scented lotion, and gift cards
Rules On How To Play Baby Shower Bingo:
- Distribute the cards: guests get a Baby Bingo Card and Bingo markers.
- They should fill up the empty squares, writing as many baby items as they –if you bought a plank printable. Should it be a pre-filled card route, skip this process.
- Everyone must have been brief on the game. And as the mom-to-be unboxes the gifts, you cross off that item on your card.
- She should sit where everyone can see her.
- Guest keep ticking off matching items on their card until all the gifts have been unwrapped.
- The first who matches one to 5 in a row shouts, “Baby Bingo!”
- Have multiple prizes available because more than one person can bingo at a spot.
4. Guess Who?
This one is an icebreaker –a guessing game most guests would relish –since it adds a bit of humor.
But you have to do it right.
Ask the party guests you visited to send you baby photos of themselves beforehand or collect them at the beginning of the shower.
Then, display the photos at the party and challenge your guests to predict who each photo portrays.
The guest with the most correct guesses wins the game with a prize.
All you will need is:
- Baby photo of each guest, numbered
- Numbered blank lists, one for each guest
- Pens or pencils
Note: For each question you throw, each guest should jot down their response to keep track of their result.
5. Blow & Pop Baby Race
You might not want to include this baby shower game in your list. But the few times I have watched it played, it tend to generate loads of laughter.
There isn’t much about the game, though. It is not the funniest or most interesting, but it gets people to double up in laughter.
The Blow & Pop Baby Race is similar to the Balloon Belly in some ways, but you don’t have to stuff as many balloons as possible under your shirt.
Instead, the blow-and-pop baby race has a little extra element.
The team gets each member racing to blow up their balloon and stick it under their shirt like a bump; immediately, the host yells, “Go!”
You can divide your guest into a team of 4 or 5. Each contender gets a balloon.
The moment you say “GO!” the first person from each team must blow up their balloon and stick it under their shirt.
The next teammate follows, and it continues until they are all pregnant. Then, the first person finds a way to pop the balloon under his/his shirt, the next teammate follows, and so on.
The first team to inflate and pops all their balloon wins.
6. Balloon Baby Twist
Some love to call it the BIG belly Twister. And it is one of the best (if not the best) since it has more actions.
Everyone blows up their balloons and places them under their shirts like they are pregnant. Then the twister begins!
Command the contenders to follow hilarious instructions like doing jumping jacks or doing yoga poses –anything that could make it difficult for pregnant women.
The idea is to get their balloons to pop or lose. You can reserve the most twisted pose for the last two.
The most balloons carried and the least number that popped or dropped win the prize.
7. Baby Food Taste Test

How sensitive is your taste bud, or how much do you know about baby foods? Because this one, you have to guess the flavors blindfolded.
Things you’ll need:
- Different types of baby food
- Spoons
- Pens and paper
- Blindfolds (optional)
Display various kinds of baby food in unmarked jars or with hidden labels, then number the lids on the table.
Blindfold every contender that walks up to the table to examine the jar, smell, and try tasting each food inside.
Try using mashed peas, different vegetable purees, and applesauce to make a guess more difficult.
The players also get a paper and a pencil to write their answer.
But the person who guesses more foods is declared the victor!
8. Baby Items In The Bag
This is another diaper game you could try in your baby shower.
It’s not the regular action-pack-type game you would expect, but this game puts your senses to the test.
Get at least ten common and fairly inexpensive baby items. Put them inside a diaper bag. It could be a teething ring, diaper, bottle, or rattle.
Each guest gets a pen and paper, and the diaper bag goes around. Your guest, without looking, will have to stick one hand inside the bag and try to identify as many items as they can feel.
The timeframe for each guest to feel around is 2 minutes before moving it to the next person. Everyone gets a turn.
Ultimately, the person with the most accurate answers gets a price (one item from the shower favors), while the parents-to-be get the rest of the goodies.
9. My Water Broke!
The first to shout out, “My water broke!” wins the game.
But it is not as easy as you thought because a task is attached.
You must devise creative tactics to get your ice cubes to melt before yelling, “My water broke!”
To play this game, you only need:
- Ice cube trays
- Little plastic babies
- Cups (to serve drinks and ice cubes)
Before the baby shower, prepare the tiny plastic baby in each slot ice cube tray. Fill each tray with water and store it in the freezer.
Let it freeze completely with the babies inside the ice cubes.
At the shower, each contender gets one baby ice cube in their drink. The first to melt their own takes the win.
10. Diaper Notes
I’m very big on this one: the diaper notes.
And I intentionally reserved it for the last because it plays out well after all the funny, action-packed games.
You have to unpack the diaper and distribute one or two each to the guest with a permanent marker to write a quote on. Then place them in the box.
There is no such thing as a winner or loser in this Diaper notes game, as the idea is to give your well wishes and inspiration to the yet-to-be parents.
It could make them crack up, emotional, or inspirational.
Things you will need:
- A large box of newborn diapers –could be Pampers Swaddlers.
- Different colors of permanent markers.
- The objective is for the parents to have inspirational quotes or stories to leech on when going through a hard time.
- 2 or more players can play from age 10 and above.
Your guest writes whatever on the diapers and places them in the box.
After the baby shower, the parents exchange diapers at night, reminisce, and have something to reflect on from their friends and families.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Kind Of Gift Should You Expect To Get In A Baby Shower?
Baby shower gifts strictly revolve around items considered helpful for the expectant mother and her child.
Therefore, it is most likely to be any of the following:
- Diapers and Wipes: supplies for diaper changes.
- Baby Clothes: sleepers, onesies, bodysuits, and other outfits
- Nursery Items: blankets, crib sheets, bedding sets, and nursery decor.
- Baby Gear: items like baby car seats, baby strollers, baby carriers, and baby high chairs.
- Feeding Supplies: Baby Bottles, nursing pillows, breast pumps, bottle warmers, and bibs.
- Diaper Bag: Vital for carrying baby essentials when on the go.
- Baby Toiletries: Lotion, wipes, shampoo, and other grooming products.
- Blankets and Swaddles
- Gift Baskets: Storing a variety of baby-related items.
- Safety Items: outlet covers, baby gates, and other childproofing items.
- Closet Organizers: dividers, hangers, and whatnot.
- Gifts for Mom: Spa sets, maternity clothes, or postpartum care items.
- Gift Cards: To buy needful items.
- Books: Children’s literature and Board books.
- Toys: teething toys, soft toys, and age-appropriate toys for infants.
- Educational Items: Educational DVDs, Baby-friendly music, or learning toys.
- Baby Monitor: A device that keeps track of the baby while you sleep.
- Gifts for Siblings: Old siblings might feel left out, but gifting them valuable presents makes them feel wanted.
Why Is It Called Baby Shower?
It is called a “baby shower” because it is a tradition to “shower” the mother-to-be with well wishes and much-needed items for her baby.
The idea was (and still is) to show emotional support to the parents-to-be since babies come with many expenses. It is a joyful occasion that celebrates a baby’s impending arrival.
It originated in the late 19th/ early 20th century in the USA.
Who Can Attend Baby Shower Party?
Anyone! Age is not a barrier.
You can invite as few or as many people within your social clique of various age differences –close family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, extended family, spouse’s family, and children.
Your partner can also invite his.
Where Should You Host A Baby Shower?
Traditionally, a baby shower is held in the parent-to-be house.
But a lot has evolved in this modern era. You can pick a venue based on your preferences, the number of guests you are visiting, what your home can contain, and the style of the event.
You can host your baby shower in restaurants, hotels, country clubs, and event spaces –or even outdoors in a park or at the beach.
Should it be a virtual baby shower, ensure you have a strong WiFi signal to connect with everyone simultaneously.
How Long Should A Baby Shower Be?
If I’m being honest here, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.
That is because every occasion is uniquely based on personal preferences and circumstances.
But a 2 to 3-hour celebration seems like a reasonable timeframe, and many people tend to go with it.
That is because it allocates enough time for the planned activities and agenda –from special presentations to playing games, refreshments, and gift openings – to play out without boredom.
Anything more that could be overwhelming.
However, it would be shorter if it were a virtual baby shower.
And in conclusion, it is not all about playing these baby shower gamers.
Of course, it is an integral part of the occasion. But a HUGE part of that success will sprout from strictly following the traditions and etiquette of baby showers.
Because that is the only way to get the most out of the celebration.
Besides, what are men without rules?