All newborns have a right to general, excellent medical care.
They are entitled to adequate nutrition, warmth, protection from harm, and sustenance.
Essential newborn care, or the crucial care that all babies require in the first few days after delivery, should be available to all newborns.
Both immediate postpartum care and critical care for the duration of the newborn period are considered necessary newborn care.
It is very important both at home and in the medical facility.
Several mistakes should be avoided while caring for a newborn, but this article will examine 10 of them.
10 Newborn Care Mistakes To Avoid
1. Inappropriate Feeding Methods
Try not to overfeed or underfeed a newborn.
It is very important to ensure that you give your baby food just when requested and according to the amount and frequency your paediatrician recommends.
Pain can result from overfeeding, and poor growth might occur from underfeeding.
Another essential part of feeding your newborn is burping.
Burping means gently patting the newborn’s back to assist the newborn in releasing gas or air from the stomach, taken in while feeding, through the mouth.
A successful burb requires you to support your baby’s head and neck, check that their tummy and back are straight and not coiled up, and give them a gentle back rub or pat.
A few minutes should be plenty to wind your infant; you don’t need to take forever.
If a newborn does not burp frequently or swallow too much air, it may spit up or appear irritable or gassy.
2. Diapering Errors
Make sure to get good diapers for your newborn.
Absorbency should be a key consideration when choosing a diaper for your newborn.
A diaper that absorbs moisture cannot be overemphasized.
Diaper rash is one type of allergic reaction that can be brought on by chemical irritants, such as fragrances, formaldehyde, latex, and plastic materials like polyethene and polypropylene, which are found in many diapers.
Always look out for irritations or diaper rashes while using diapers on your newborn.
Discontinue using a particular diaper brand immediately after discovering your newborn’s skin is allergic.
Avoid leaving diapers on a newborn for too long, as this can cause skin irritation.
Do not use harsh wipes; always wipe thoroughly when changing your newborn’s diapers.
3. Sleeping Mistakes
Laying your newborn on their belly or side to sleep could be very dangerous as it can cause suffocation.
The best ways to lower your baby’s risk of SIDS are to have them sleep on their backs, use a firm mattress, and keep soft blankets, cushions, and toys out of the crib.
Rocking your newborn to sleep always might make them find it difficult to fall asleep on their own
Not recognizing sleep cues, your newborn expresses his tiredness, readiness for a nap, or overtiredness through sleepy cues, which you must learn to take note of to avoid being overwhelmed.
4. Skipping Vaccinations and Regular Checkups
Vaccinating your newborn is essential to shielding them from dangerous illnesses.
If you have any questions or concerns, speak with your paediatrician and follow the advised immunization schedule.
Routine pediatric appointments should not be ignored or postponed as this may result in missed opportunities for the early detection of any health conditions.
Keeping an eye on your baby’s growth and development requires routine checkups.
5. Bathing Mistakes
Do not bathe your newborn immediately after delivery.
Your newborn’s bath should be delayed until at least 24 hours after delivery.
Bathing your newborn too often can cause dry skin; also, avoid heavily scented soaps or lotions for your newborn’s skin.
While bathing your newborn, do not rub his face with soap; wipe it with a soft wet towel, and avoid pouring water directly on the face.
6. Dressing Mistakes
Do not overdress or underdress your newborn.
Newborns are sensitive to variations in temperatures because they are humans.
To prevent overdressing or underdressing, always check your baby’s temperature and clothe them in layers so you can adjust easily if the temperature changes.
While swaddling a newborn can help calm them, it should also prevent hip dysplasia.
7. Safety Mistakes
Shaking a newborn vigorously can cause brain injury as they are still very delicate; always support your newborn’s head and neck when you pick them up in your arms.
Not Using a Car Seat: Always buckle your infant into a car seat when travelling to safeguard them.
Do not leave your child alone on a couch, changing table, or bed.
8. Hygiene Mistakes
Do not carry your newborn with unwashed hands.
Before carrying your newborn, always ensure you do so with washed or sanitized hands, and insist that everyone who visits and wants to carry the baby do so with either washed or sanitized hands.
Do not kiss a newborn on the lips.
It is very unhygienic and should be avoided; infection easily transmits to newborns.
Do not neglect oral care.
New parents frequently neglect to wipe their infant’s mouth.
Maintaining dental hygiene in infants is just as important as in adults.
After each feeding, gently wipe your baby’s gums with a cotton cloth.
9. Ignoring Your Own Needs and Comparing Growth Milestones
Newborn care is a tough task.
Make time for relaxation and self-care, and always ask for help when needed.
Every newborn grows at its own rate.
Refrain from comparing your child to others; they are not all alike.
Recognize that.
10. Believing Anything You Hear or Putting Your Trust In Questionable Sources While Seeking Parenting Guidance
Everyone with experience will give tips on managing a newborn during the first few months.
There will be too many opinions—mine included, lol.
But amidst the noise, remember that your view is the only one that counts and will directly affect the baby.
That said, take care of your newborn using very limited expert opinions, starting from your doctor who helped you throughout your pregnancy and up until delivery.
Don’t rely on any dubious source when seeking parenting guidance.
It won’t end well.
Finally, never hesitate to speak with your physician when you’re confused about a specific situation or when things generally seem out of place.
In conclusion, newborns are fragile during the first several weeks and months and rely on their parents for all their needs.
It is essential to give them the right care and attention at this time for their growth and development.
This involves ensuring that they have a healthy diet, enough sleep, and routine checkups with the doctor.
Take note of the common mistakes listed above and ensure they are avoided so that mum and baby are free from eventualities.