If you have an 11-week-old baby (almost three months), you must already be concerned about the developmental milestones your child should have attained.
The experience of becoming a parent usually comes with a mixed feeling of joy and uncertainty about what the future possibly holds for you and your baby.
However, the journey is a fantastic adventure full of happy accomplishments, sleepless nights, and the unending wonder of watching your child grow and develop.
One of those growths includes rapid developments like growth spurts and other physical and mental changes your baby will start to experience around 11 weeks after delivery.
So, we’re hoping that the information in this post will help you develop a better understanding of your 11-week-old baby, the possible developmental milestones they should attain by 11 weeks, and some other things to anticipate, from developing social connections to introducing new skills, etc.
Physical Developments To Expect From An 11-Week-Old Baby

Physical Growth
At this point, your child has grown almost three inches overall since birth. They need to have gained at least two and possibly three pounds.
Most likely, they have outgrown their newborn clothing and are moving toward sleeping in a cot instead of a Moses basket.
As they become more prominent, their limbs and legs should start to straighten out a little bit, and they’ll also start to fill out, with fat pads beginning to form on their cheeks.
Baby Movement Milestones
As they kick and punch more frequently, their coordination and muscular control are advancing. During tummy time, they may even be able to push themselves up with enough control.
Reaching And Grabbing
Try putting toys within your baby’s reach when lying on their tummy during playtime to aid in their growth as they get used to reaching and grabbing toys.
It is fantastic if they are already pushing themselves up since it will allow them to practice reaching from a more difficult posture.
Try it while seated in their chair, but don’t make it too challenging, or your child will quickly lose interest.
Cognitive Developments To Expect From An 11-Week-Old Baby

Hand-eye Coordination
Playtime is an excellent opportunity to assess hand-eye coordination, so keep the kids engaged with dangling toys.
Instead of hanging them at eye level, try hanging them over your baby’s chest so they are easier to reach while playing.
Furthermore, noisy toys are advantageous since they teach your infant where sounds come from.
You could observe that they seem to be much more interested in various musical genres.
While they won’t speak for some time, around 11 weeks, you could notice that they respond to your chatter uniquely, cooing when you give them time to answer.
Talking to them when they’re happy and excited is a terrific way to start teaching them words; your voice is their favorite.
Personality Development In Babies
You will notice that your baby gains a little personality when they produce regular faces and sounds.
You will begin to witness your baby’s qualities come to life during this precious and memorable period.
They’ll learn more about social interaction if you let them observe your facial emotions and react to theirs.
Social and Emotional Development
Your baby’s social interactions will begin to develop around the 11-week mark. They may smile out of the blue, expressing their newly discovered excitement at what they see.
To lock gazes with you and the other caregivers, your baby may also try to make more significant eye contact with them.
These early social interactions lay the groundwork for developing solid emotional relationships and communication skills as they mature.
Development In Sleep Patterns

Generally, your baby sleeps about 15 hours over 24 hours, significantly less than they did ten weeks earlier.
Your kid should sleep 10 hours now, with the remaining five hours divided among three or four naps during the day.
It would help if you also get more sleep at night.
Finally, the sleep habits you’ve been practicing over the past few weeks should start paying off.
Your infant is beginning to distinguish between daytime and evening naps.
Take advantage of these nights of peaceful sleep if you’re fortunate enough to get them, even if they still feed at night.
If you’re not getting them yet, don’t worry; it’s only a matter of time.
Additionally, if your baby isn’t adhering to a specific sleep schedule, don’t worry; every baby is unique and will still need to be fed both during the day and at night.
How Much Should An 11-Week-Old Baby Be Eating?

By 11 weeks, your baby will eat less frequently since they consume more daily.
The typical amount of feedings at this age is 5–6 in 24 hours, but if your baby is feeding more or less than this, there is no need to be concerned as long as they are maintaining a healthy weight.
If you’re expressing milk or using formula and need an excellent feeding recommendation, consider 150–200 ml per kg of their weight.
How Much Should An 11-Week-Old Baby Be Pooing?
You might notice your kid is pooping less frequently as a result of their decreased feedings.
Some infants may go for days without going potty, which is acceptable if the feces are soft and painless.
You should only be concerned if your baby appears constipated or in pain when pooing.
What Issues Should Parents Of Infants Older Than 11 Weeks Be Aware Of?

Intentional Cries
Your infant may be wailing more loudly and deliberately right now. They realize that sobbing will get them whatever they want, whether solace or anything else.
With time, you’ll be able to differentiate between the various meanings of each scream.
If you’re having trouble, don’t worry—newborns’ screaming tends to subside around three months.
Flat Head Syndrome
If your baby doesn’t enjoy lying on their stomach (which is entirely normal; many babies don’t), you may discover that their continual lying on their back results in a flat spot on their head.
This condition, known as flat head syndrome, can be treated by having your infant spend less time on their back and more time on their stomach.
Postnatal Depression
Postnatal depression is no joke!
Remember to look after yourself as you undertake the fantastic journey of raising your 11-week-old child.
It’s normal to feel various emotions when parenting because it may be euphoric and draining.
Obtain assistance from your spouse, family, and friends. Self-care is essential, whether it’s a little solitude, a stroll, or engaging in a passion project.
Finally, the 11-week mark is an exciting time in your baby’s growth.
Together, you may discover a world of wonder, from their physical development and expanding motor abilities to their growing social connections and maturing senses.
Treasure every coo, grin, and achievement because these brief moments help shape motherhood’s fantastic journey.