How To Handle Kids That Always Cry Like A Baby

While it might be pretty upsetting and sometimes irritating to have a toddler who is always crying, some kids are more sensitive than others and can become easily upset when things don’t go their way.

According to a study, “Highly sensitive children tend to be more compassionate, gentle, and creative.”

So, if a child is extremely sensitive, it doesn’t ENTIRELY translate into a bad thing.

Besides, just a little guidance from you will be enough to help them control their emotions.

And that guidance is precisely what we will discuss in this guide.

There are many reasons why some kids “cry like a baby,” usually uncontrollably, and we’ll provide you with the necessary tips on the best ways to handle such kids.

Reasons Why Some Kids Cry Like A Baby

cry like a baby
Image Source: iStockphoto/rollover

1. Sensitive Personality

While nonstop crying is annoying, some children are experiencing emotions and unsure how to handle them, so all they can do now is cry.

A youngster sees the world very differently than we do, so something that looks insignificant to us may be tough for them.

Remembering your child needs extra time and space to process everything they’re feeling would be beneficial.

Of course, there are instances when kids cry to get what they want; as parents, this is sometimes one of the first things we do.

However, it’s vital for our children’s wellbeing to take a step back and consider the broader picture of what’s happening.

2. Anxiety

Some kids, especially those who suffer from separation anxiety, an anxiety disorder in which a child becomes too frightened when separated from parents, even for a brief moment.

Such kids could find it challenging to communicate their feelings of anxiety and the reasons behind them.

Instead, they may communicate through a lot of sobbing or “being sensitive” due to what they are going through.

3. Lack Of Sleep

Because many children do not get the appropriate amount of sleep each night, despite their parent’s best efforts, it can result in bodily changes that they can’t control. 

Some children will only sleep for a particular period, which becomes their norm.

But over time, that ongoing lack of sleep might significantly impact their conduct. Again, this may manifest as incessant crying.

4. Poor Diet

Poor diet can significantly impact behavior and mood, much like inadequate sleep.

Kids may feel irritable when they don’t get the required calories, fat, and nutrients, but they lack the communication abilities to let us know that.

Extremely picky eaters who never manage to eat well are prone to missing this. Get additional assistance with fussy eating.

5. Sensory Processing

Sensory difficulties can impact numerous elements of our children’s lives.

And when kids shy away from or are too sensitive to specific sensations, it can make them anxious and even physically uncomfortable.

However, having sensory “needs” or “issues” does not always mean your child has or requires a diagnosis, so this might be difficult to detect.

Some children find it intolerable to get dirty, hear loud noises, or wear specific types of clothing.

Even worse, young children and toddlers might not know how to express discomfort with certain lights or scents.

This implies that they might weep if they smell something offensive or are bothered by buzzing lights.

6. Communication Skills

Children and toddlers who cry a lot and don’t speak much or communicate well may be frustrated and crying as a result.

Encourage them to speak and communicate how they feel when they cannot communicate well.


How to Handle Your Highly Sensitive Child

A child crying like a baby
Image Source: iStockphoto/mofles

Knowing your child is highly sensitive will enable you to teach them coping mechanisms and methods to ease both your and their lives.

Instead of calling someone “overly sensitive,” “shy,” or “quiet,” emphasize their strengths.

Here are some tips for managing extremely sensitive youngsters.

1. Help Them Manage Their Emotions.

Avoid telling your children to stop crying while they are sobbing uncontrollably; doing so will likely only make them cry more.

Overly sensitive preschoolers are adept at interpreting their parents’ feelings.

Your child will learn that whatever is bothering them is something to get worked up about if you become tense, which models the precise behavior you’re trying to change.

Playfully telling your child to “freeze!” is one technique to help them get control of their emotions.

A child who freezes can take a moment to gather herself. Then, advise them to inhale deeply and exhale through their mouths like a dragon.

2. Switch Their Attention

Another effective strategy for distracting your youngster is to lead them to another activity. The counting approach is the norm.

By the time your child reaches age 10, whatever was troubling him may seem irrelevant because counting still requires focus and concentration at ages 3 to 4.

3. Find A Solution.

To assist your child in finding a solution, encourage them to tell you precisely what makes them sad.

Inquire further if they mention unhappiness by asking, “What can you do to make yourself feel better?”

Remind them of activities that make them feel good, such as having a friend over to play or reading a favorite picture book, if they struggle for ideas.

After some practice, they’ll soon be able to solve problems independently without adult assistance.

Other Helpful Tips To Manage Your Toddler’s Crying

  • Make sure they are not ill or in discomfort. They can be unwell if they have a high temperature. If you suspect a problem, seek assistance. Without outward disease symptoms, a headache or an earache may make them weep.
  • Determine the cause of your toddler’s crying. A smart place to start is by using HALT. Consider whether your youngster is hungry, mad, lonely, or tired. A snack, some alone, or a nap might be beneficial.
  • Stay calm and close by. It’s crucial that your child understands you are still there and with them. You can give them a comforting embrace, speak to them in a low voice, or keep eye contact so that your child can learn by observing you demonstrate how to handle irritation.
  • Is your youngster experiencing anxiety or worry? Your youngster can be scared or worried about starting preschool, moving, or meeting a new baby. They use crying as a technique to communicate their distress. Make your youngster feel loved, safe, and reassured by providing many assurances.
  • Try taking your kid somewhere. Visit the park, take a stroll, or enroll in a parent and child group. A change of scenery may be beneficial.
  • Discuss and accept their feelings. Your youngster will better comprehend and control their emotions if they can verbalize their feelings.
  • Try to occupy your little child. Use a plaything a game, or mention something fascinating.
  • Never hit or physically discipline your child when they cry. You might believe it would halt the behavior, but it won’t address your child’s needs, teach them to recognize their feelings or give them more control over their actions.


Although you might be unable to change your child’s sensitive nature, they’ll eventually develop the wisdom to control their emotions and strengthen their resilience.

And sometimes, despite popular belief, peer pressure can be a positive influence.

By the age of 7 or 8, they will likely experience fewer crying episodes, especially when they observe that other kids prefer to play with them when they aren’t crying.

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