Everyone having a breech baby always wonder about the natural ways of flipping their baby if the unborn child is in such a position. However, some mothers are specifically looking out for sleeping positions that can naturally turn a breech baby.
Now, while there are no specific sleeping positions that naturally turn a breech baby, what we want to provide you in this guide are the best ways to sleep while pregnant (which may also encourage a breech baby to turn) and other alternative ways you can use to turn a breech baby.
So, this guide will not exactly explore ways to use sleeping positions to turn breech baby naturally. Instead, it explores the best sleeping positions for pregnant women and alternative ways you can turn a breech baby.
But before we get to that, you should be aware that newborns frequently twist & turn while they are still in the womb during pregnancy, and once labor begins, most of them will assume the head-down posture, also referred to as the head-first position.
But this isn’t always the case–sometimes the baby doesn’t reposition, and sometimes, leading to complications in the delivery process. But that’s by the way.
That said, let’s get right into it by first clarifying what a breech position is and the delivery choices before moving on to the typical methods for turning a baby in such a position.
What Is The Meaning Of A Breech Baby?

A breech baby is a situation in pregnancy when the baby inside the mother’s womb has his head up and its feet toward the birth canal. If the mother goes into labour in such a situation, the baby’s feet are expected to come out first (rather than the head), which is unsafe for delivery.
A baby is not said to be breech until about thirty-five (35) or thirty-six (36) weeks of pregnancy because newborns usually turn & flip during pregnancy. Just before delivery in a normal pregnancy, a baby often assumes a head-down position.
Therefore, before pregnancy has lasted for thirty-five weeks, it’s common for the baby to be sideways or head up.
Here Are The 3 Major Breech Positions To Expect In Pregnancy

Frank Breech
In this breech position, the feet are close to the head, and the legs are extended straight in front of the body. Given such posture, the buttocks are expected to emerge first during delivery. Therefore, the Frank breech is the most typical breech posture.
Complete Breech
The buttocks will maintain this posture when they are close to the birth canal. The feet are close to the buttocks, while the baby’s knees will be bent.
Footling Breech
One or both legs should be stretched out below the buttocks in this position. During birth, the leg or legs are set up to emerge first.
Best Sleeping Positions For Pregnant Women
As a pregnant woman, once your pregnancy reaches the final weeks, you shouldn’t lie on your stomach or back while sleeping. The best sleeping position for you in the final weeks of your pregnancy is lying on your side because your tummy is expanding daily.
We’d been advised for years that you should lie on your left side during rest and sleep when your pregnancy is getting to the last few months. This relates to blood flow from a sizable vein called the inferior vena cava (IVC). This vein transports blood to your heart and subsequently to your unborn child.
Several medical professionals believe that a pregnant woman sleeping on her left side lowers the possibility of compressing this IVC and promotes proper blood flow.
Nevertheless, a recent assessment of medical papers from 2019 found that both sides of the bed are equally safe to sleep on. But, of course, it all depends on how comfortable in the end.
Make sure you spend as much time as possible lying on the left side of your body. However, if you keep getting the urge to roll to the right, calm down and get some rest, mother. You’ll spend a lot of nights awake after the baby is born.
According to experts, the vest slapping posture for a pregnant woman is lying on the side with pillows on your expanding belly.
Khosa advises her patients not to sleep on their back, especially as their pregnancy progresses, because “the baby’s weight can squeeze the blood vessels that supply nutrients & oxygen to the womb and baby.” She also advises them to lie on their stomachs if it is comfortable for them when they want to rest or sleep unless otherwise instructed by the medical provider.
What Causes Some Infants To Curl Up In A Breech Position?

There are so many reasons why a newborn can curl up in this position. But unfortunately, many of those causes have to do with things that are impossible or difficult to avoid.
For instance, it will be nearly impossible for any baby to get into the proper position if the cord is wrapped around them, and nothing can be done to change the situation.
However, there’re a few things that a within your control. From what we have observed at clinics, most breech positions in infants are brought about by a straightforward issue that most mothers can completely control: this occurs because their child lacks the room to turn!
These are the two significant issues associated with this:
Sitting In A Wrong Position
Let’s say you don’t feel like moving your expanding body by getting up. Please don’t beat yourself up because it is pretty understandable. But most sitting positions in the clinic are not suitable for babies when they are meant to turn.
For instance, many women continue to have their legs crossed despite having large bellies. This is not a good position for pregnant women. It is far better if you sit with your legs slightly open. Your baby can have extra space if you sit with your legs slightly apart. This is the right way to sit if you want to assist your baby with turning.
Lying In The Wrong Positing While Sleeping
Lying in the wrong position while sleeping is another issue that could hinder your child from turning. Realistically speaking, being pregnant limits your options for sleeping positions. Your health providers will even instruct you to lie on your left side since it is considered “safe” for every baby.
It is not advisable to lie on your back because your baby’s weight can compress your veins. This can result in severe issues if any compressed veins supply blood to the baby’s head. That is why you shouldn’t rest on your back because it can decrease or cut off your baby’s blood flow.
According to scientists, lying on your side is the best and only position for you when you are pregnant. However, the most recently concluded research on this subject shows that lying on either the right or left side will give the same safe result for the baby.
Unfortunately, they fail to mention that not all sleeping positions are ideal for turning your baby. The majority of newborns turn while their mother is asleep. Therefore, to allow the infant to turn, giving them the necessary space is crucial.
Unfortunately, when you frequently lie on either the right or left side, one of your legs will be on the other, which will be a problem. This indicates that your pelvis and hips are in the “closed” position.
And to make matters worse, some mothers unconsciously advance their top leg at sleep. This can cause their hip joints to twist, leaving no room for the baby to turn.
To add: sometimes, cracking your back can affect a pregnancy (whether it causes a breech baby or not) in ways you don’t expect, so you can also check out safe ways to crack your back while pregnant.
How To Naturally Turn A Breech Baby

Your baby should be head-down if you wish to give birth naturally. Here are some popular methods for turning a baby that is breech.
A soothing, serene, and more comfortable birth and pregnancy are possible with the help of the audio series Hypnobabies, which offers a variety of hypnosis techniques that medical professionals have proven. The most common name for it is “hypnobirthing.”
It’s a wise way to spend $15 to $20. This method is widely used by Pregnant women worldwide. It strengthens the attachment between a newborn and his mother. It fosters a loving and harmonious coexistence throughout the process by forging a deep and calm bond between mothers & their infants. It’s a helpful way to calm ladies and lessen their anxiety during delivery.
Webster Technique
A professional Chiropractor frequently does this unique adjustment method. The procedure works by lowering the source of SI joint dysfunction. Most women having a breech pregnancy depend on this method to resolve the issue.
This unique technique will turn the head of a breech baby downwards and provide the best alignment for the child to move to a head-down position quickly.
External Cephalic Version (ECV)
Your doctor might attempt to turn your breech baby physically. He will try to relax your uterus by giving you medication via IV; don’t be alarmed because no harm will come to your child. He will then use his hands to apply pressure on the outside of your belly to attempt to turn your baby. The doctor is trying to turn your breech baby into the correct position.
Although using an ECV is generally risk-free, there are a few drawbacks, including the possibility of preterm labor, placenta tearing, and changes in your baby’s heart rate.
Breech Tilt
This method is very must similar to that of yoga’s bridge position. Supposing you are unsure whether your baby is in a breech position or not, don’t try this technique. However, this technique can turn the head of your breech baby downward and turn a normal baby into a breech child.
Inversion Position
This technique is similar to the downward-facing-dog pose in yoga with additional support. A chair or couch is needed to carry out this procedure. That is where you will kneel.
Most importantly, ensure someone is nearby to support you before attempting this technique. Many pregnant women have been using this technique, which works perfectly to turn their breech baby.
Try Water Handstand
Some doctors will recommend that you visit any pool close to you because it’s a known fact that water can help increase a woman’s amniotic fluid. This creates more space and, therefore, more movement will be possible.
Try doing a handstand in the water. Even though most mothers don’t usually use this method, the few who did, came back with positive feedback.
Make sure you ask for assistance when performing this technique.
Use Light And Temperature
Babies respond to light/dark and heat/cold. Begin by placing a light below your pelvis, talking, singing, and caressing the baby downward. Many have reported this to have worked, as the baby usually moves toward soothing sounds and light.
Also, the breech baby responds to the temperature. So most pregnant women place ice blocks on their rib area and heating pads below their pelvis to lure the baby away from the cold and turn towards the warm areas of the uterus.
Will Walking Help Turn A Baby From A Breech Position To Normal?
When a pregnant woman with a breech baby engages in walking, it will help turn the baby’s head downward.
How Can You Tell When Your Breech Baby Is Turning?

Ultrasound is the finest tool for determining the baby’s position in the uterus because it may provide you with the best visual of your unborn child.
However, it is also essential to pay close attention to the shapes in your belly and the motions you experience if you want to know your baby’s position at home.
Another way to know your baby’s position is by touching your belly to feel your baby. If you feel his legs or bottom above your navel or higher, close to your rib cage, then you’ll know his head is down. But, if you feel his elbows or hands around your pelvis or his head around your tummy, you’ll know the baby is turning from the breech.
You can also use a stethoscope to listen for your child’s heartbeat on the lower portion of your tummy.
Delivering A Breech Baby
When giving birth to a breech baby, the bottom will be out before the head during delivery.
A baby is born bottom first during a breech birth rather than head as is typical. It is riskier to give birth to a breech baby than an average birth because of its difficulty level.
Cesarean section (C-section) is the way of delivering a breech baby because it is well known that a cesarean section is far safer than a vaginal delivery.
According to the research carried out by NCBI, most underdeveloped/developing countries lack professionals with the appropriate skills to deliver a baby in the breech position.
Pregnant mothers had no choices for years, and doctors were educated to deliver babies in breech positions. Nevertheless, since the advent of modern medicine, the majority of hospitals in the US have examined this problem critically and recommended, in the majority of situations, that breech newborns be delivered via cesarean section. This method is widely done in other nations, including Russia and Ireland.
In the U.S., approximately ten thousand (10,000) infants are born daily. Considering that only two(2) to three(3)% of pregnancies will be breech pregnancy suggests that 100,000 newborns in the U.S. are delivered through cesarean section each year due to the babies’ breech positions since it is challenging to deliver such babies vaginally.
What Position Should You Maintain To Help Turn Your Breech Baby?
Understanding that you can’t use ANY cushion to keep your hips and pelvis open is crucial.
Please don’t use a feather cushion because feather pillows will not function in this situation since they lose their shape when your leg is positioned on them. Hence, this pillow will not help you maintain an open hip and pelvis position.
We advise you to utilize a thick foam pillow. You can also use a thick pillow that maintains its shape even when your leg rests on it.
If you already have a nursing pillow or breastfeeding cushion, use it instead. They typically have the correct length and are thick, leaving enough room for most of your leg to rest on the cushion while maintaining an open position for both your pelvis and hips.
Is It Possible To Turn A Breech Baby While You Sleep On A C-Shaped Or U-Shaped Pregnancy Pillow?

Unfortunately, the task we aim to accomplish here is not best served by U-shaped pillows. This is because they won’t allow you to maintain the forward-leaning position of your abdomen that would enable you to lie almost on your stomach. This is the review we got from many women from the clinic.
A few of these U-shaped pillows are also very “superthick.” However, most women complain that such extraordinarily thick pillows aren’t comfortable. They also said the pillow prevents them from maintaining a “forward position” for their leg.
But C-shaped pillows, on the other hand, will work superbly.
Thanks to their C-shape, they automatically provide belly room at the appropriate place. Therefore, using such pillows will help you to maintain a forward-facing belly position.
How Can You Turn Your Breech Baby Supposing He Doesn’t?
If you have a breech pregnancy, sleeping in the appropriate position will be very helpful because this will give your infant enough room to move. However, even if you keep maintaining the appropriate sleeping positions, if your child doesn’t want to turn, he won’t. That is how it is for every natural way of turning babies.
Nevertheless, we encourage you to engage in exercises for turning breech babies because doing it properly will help create enough room for your baby to move or turn.
This method has helped several pregnant mothers turn their babies into breech positions within a day interval.

Every woman having a breech pregnancy tends to panic when they get to the last weeks of delivery. However, you need not worry because your baby still has enough time to turn.
Your midwife or doctor will probably discuss the alternatives for turning the baby while you wait. Make sure you ask any questions you may have regarding any techniques your caregiver does not discuss.
No matter what methods you choose, you must always seek approval from your provider before proceeding.