What Do I Do If My Baby Tosses And Turns All Night?

If you are one of those parents who can’t figure out why their baby tosses and turns all night, then this article is for you because today, I’m going to tell you exactly why your baby tosses and turns all night and also what to do about it.

Some babies have problems falling asleep at night, which might make you wonder what could be wrong.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple solution, but we can safely say that early parenthood will inevitably include a fussy baby. 

The best part is that it’s normal for babies to toss and turns when they sleep. Most frequently, temporary necessities like hunger, ailment, or discomfort are to blame for restlessness (for instance, from teething).

We aim to develop an awareness of and coping mechanisms for these problems. 

Yes, exceptional situations might make a baby toss and turn all night. However, it’s ideal you consult a medical expert immediately if you think something more severe is happening.

Reasons Why Your Baby Tosses And Turns All Night

Although babies might not always sleep whenever you prefer them to, they sleep for much of the day. 

They typically take naps during the day & wake up multiple periods at night because they need to eat frequently (every few hours).

Theoretically, babies need feeding less frequently as they age so that babies can sleep over long periods. 

Here are a few reasons why some babies toss and turn all night.


Although placing infants asleep on their backs is customary, some babies would rather lie on their bellies. 

Many infants find that lying on their stomachs feels safer. Unfortunately, this also presents a problem, as stomach sleeping is now associated with possible incidents like Sudden Infants Deaths (SID). 

So here’s what to do when a baby can’t feel comfortable lying on their back. 

Rock he/her in your arms till she nods off, then transfer her to her cot. Swaddling might help her feel securer when she’s in her cot alone as an alternative. 

Another suggestion is to give the baby a pacifier that can aid in self-soothing and sleep.


Sadly, babies do not naturally understand the difference between day and night. As a result, an infant may sleep more throughout the day than at night, which is not uncommon. 

By keeping her space dark while she sleeps, you can assist her in having a peaceful night. You should also resist the temptation to switch on a light (or the radio or TV) when she is being fed at night.


You might conclude that a baby is not weary if she acts agitated throughout the nap. She might, however, be overtired and unable to control her irritability so she could get some rest. 

Because you must become familiar with your baby’s body language & understand the signs of sleepiness, solving this issue will take some time. 

Infants, for instance, often stroke their eyes, tug on their ears, or scowl when sleepy. They might snore or look aimlessly forward without paying much attention to anything. 

There’s a reasonable chance the baby must lay down for a proper nap if she starts acting grumpy more frequently.

By recognizing these signs, you can ward off the “overtired” and increase the likelihood that your baby will sleep throughout the night without discomfort. 


Baby’s fussiness during teething cannot be justified—teething must be a pain! Dripping saliva a lot, having swollen or painful gums, having a slight temperature, being difficult to please during mealtimes, and being generally irritable are all signs that she is in discomfort. 

Fortunately, there are a few trade secrets to test. 

Some people adore teething rings and other objects that can be “chewed.” But, of course, the baby can constantly chew on your fingers or have her gums massaged.

In the near term, mild diversion (from speech or music) may be effective. Consult your doctor concerning infant ibuprofen or a comparable medication if she severely suffers from nighttime discomfort. 

Discovering The Indications For Baby Tosses And Turns

Both parents and babies find the early phases of development and growth challenges. 

Newborns don’t arrive with manuals, so it’s left for the adults to learn the baby’s language—the way she communicates her needs and feelings. This is particularly true when it comes to sleeping. 

If your child is fidgeting in her cot, assess the surrounding area. If everything appears to be well—for instance, if it’s calm and sufficiently dark—look to her for any indications of physical discomfort.

Consider whether your schedule has changed and whether she may have had a very stimulating day and is having trouble calming down. 

Although dealing with a difficult sleeper might be pretty irritating, remember that most of the time, whatever is holding the baby up is doable. 

We guarantee the best dreams when you and the baby can finally sleep peacefully. 

The REM Phase

Also referred to as active sleep, The Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Phase is considered a light sleep phase where the eyes move rapidly for a while. Intense dreams usually occur (can’t say the same for babies) in this phase because the brain is very active during the REM Phase.

Babies sleep an average of 16 hours every day. About 50% of that sleep is spent on the REM Phase as opposed to older children and adults that spend about 20% of their sleep in the REM phase.

During the REM Phase, your baby may toss, turn, twitch or jerk her arms or legs. Sometimes, you might even notice irregular breathing patterns—your baby might stop breathing for 5-10 seconds which is a condition often referred to as Periodic Breathing—and then continues breathing again at a rapid rate of 50-60 breaths per minute, followed by the regular breathing pattern and the cycle continues.

So, whenever you notice your baby tossing or turning, it could be an experience with the REM Phase.

Limited Comfort 

The space’s temperature, the noise level, and the level of light that enters the room can all contribute to discomfort. 

Noise could be a significant disruption to your sleep. This is because it impacts both the quality and amount of sleep. For example, we all fall asleep faster in a dark room due to a biological influence. 

When a youngster is sleeping, too much light in her room can cause them to feel uneasy and cause them to toss and turn in an attempt to escape it. 

Likewise, the youngster may toss and shift to feel more comfortable when they have a strong urge to urinate but are too tired to wake up. 

The Mattress Type 

Ensure the child’s resting space is clean, well-ventilated, and at the proper temperature for sleep. Kids should be able to sleep on a solid and cozy mattress. 

Miserable sleeping conditions make for an uncomfortable night’s sleep.

Tips For Promoting Sounder Sleep For Your Infant 

Although the sleep cycle of your newborn doesn’t provide you much flexibility, there are alternative ways to deal with disturbed sleep. Here are some pointers for creating sound sleeping habits.

Baby Tosses And Turns All Night

Establish A Nighttime Schedule. 

Create a schedule for putting your child to sleep. This can entail taking a warm bath, nursing, or dressing in pajamas. They’ll associate this pattern with nighttime and fall asleep more quickly the more frequently you do it.

Prevent Vigorous Activity Or Stimulation Before Bed. 

If your child exercises right before bed, it will overstimulate them and prevent them from falling asleep. Choose low-energy pursuits like reading books or listening to lullabies instead.

Make A Distinction Between Day And Night. 

Newborns, who spend nine months in the womb, cannot yet tell the difference between day and night. You can aid their adaptation by letting plenty of natural light into your house during the day. To help them adjust to bedtime at night, turn off bright screens and dim the lighting.

Put Your Infant To Bed Awake But Sleepy. 

According to doctors, infants should be put in their cribs before falling asleep. If they get used to falling asleep in your arms, they can have trouble falling asleep independently. 

For sleeping or taking naps, always put babies on their backs. To lessen the risk of Sudden Infants Death (SID), the crib should be clear of toys, blankets, and cushions, and the mattress must be covered with a closely fitting sheet.

When Your Infant Cries, Comfort Them. 

To reassure a baby that you are there and help them fall back asleep in the middle of the night, you can gently pat and comfort them. 

What induces restless sleep is a frequent question from new parents. Tossing and turning are typically caused by, among other things, shorter sleep cycles in neonates. 

Of course, the issue gets better as your infant gets older, but you might be able to ease their transition by using the advice provided above.

Frequently Asked Questions

When A Baby Is Restless, Should I Pick Them Up? 

The quick response is no. Even though it can seem tempting, waking your infant whenever they produce a noise can disturb their sleep. All night long, newborns typically alternate between light & deep slumber. 

They naturally twist, toss, or even whimper when they reach the REM phase. However, if you let them be, they will gradually go back to a deep sleep, which is entirely natural. 

However, picking them up quickly whenever they become restless interferes with their sleep pattern.

When Will Babies Begin To Have A Better Sleep? 

Are you counting down the minutes when you and your baby can have more restful, longer sleep? They often get 8 to 9 hours of sleep during the day and another 8 hours at night.

But because they cannot store enough energy and must eat regularly, each sleep phase is only three hours long.

Your baby may start sleeping for 5 to 6 consecutive hours when they get to 3 months or even 4 months. Then, as they get closer to their first birthday, most kids sleep longer each night (eight to ten hours, uninterrupted). But, of course, this differs from person to person.


Figuring out why your baby tosses and turns all night is a good advantage over certain situations because now you have very little or nothing to worry about the next time your baby tosses and turns all night.

With the tips we’ve provided, we believe you can handle the tosses and turns of your baby pretty well and help your baby achieve a better sleeping experience after that.

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